Planning ahead to March!
Our Galentines Day party was a great success - we knitted/crocheted little envelopes that featured a handmade button by local artist Jenn Mechling and of course snacked our way through a wonderful afternoon :)

Moving on to March, we have a couple of fun things planned. First, another KAL, this one is going to be an accessory - Wool & Pine's Whidbey bag, modeled by Jody, who has worked up a sample. This is a fun knit and the pattern is well written. Pattern calls for DK weight yarn, though I imagine substituting worsted could easily work, the bag will be just a bit bigger. Jody used Vintage DK, an acrylic/wool blend, which worked perfectly. (I have a nice selection of neurtrals in the shop, other colors can easily be ordered if you have something else in mind). Two skeins is all you need and the stripes are worked after the bag is done with all sorts of options from your stash! We'll start this KAL March 7th - but you can join anytime in March. Participants who purchase their yarn at Coastal Purl (pattern can be purchased through the shop too, at the same price as you'd pay on Ravelry, but helps the shop a little) will also receive two wood buttons that say "Hand Made with Love" and a set of 4 lucky shamrock stitch markers. If you are out of town I can help you put together a kit and mail it, just send me an email at or give me a call at 252-548-4801.

New yarn for Spring is coming in weekly. As a sample of what just arrived today and isn't even on the website yet (it will be tomorrow - promise!)

Starting on the left, I have two new colors of Marmel, a beautifully hued cotton acrylic blend in DK weight, in the middle of of several colors available in Cotton(70)/Merino(30) Concept that has the haze and softness of carrying mohair without the stray fluffy strands that inevitably escape and a great option for those of us sensitive to mohair. On the right is Flora, a Jody Long 100% cotton tweed in a Sport/DK weight that is going to be perfect for summer tops and sweaters - cool and breezy.
Lastly, and something completely different...I have arranged a Kokeodama workshop at Happy Daisy (a new garden shop in the old Kenyon Bailey garden center space) just for Coastal Purl customers on Saturday March 4th at 1:00 pm. Kokeodama has its origins in Japan and is a method of wrapping a plant's root ball in soil, then covering with moss and securing with twine. Watering your plant is as simple as picking it up and running water over it and then replacing it in its vessel. Katie had her sample plant sitting in a shallow dish, not unlike the multitude you can find at any thrift shop. Workshop is $25; I will be collecting the class fee at Coastal Purl along with reservations. If you want to participate I'll need to hear from you by Friday February 24th (the week before). Katie will provide the plant, soil, moss and securing twine. Finding a vessel will be up to you; I'd suggest waiting to see the size of your root ball, but as you see it'll be roughly a little bigger than the palm of your hand.

Of course we will find a way to consume green snacky things on St. Patrick's Day - we can't possibly let an opportunity for a party to pass. It's on a Friday - so swing by!
Remember, don't respond to this email - it comes and goes to mysterious places. However, you can always reach me at Do stop by and see all the new yarn...